First you visualise the house and make the detailed plans of the layout and the materials needed, then you start building it. The first time is when you imagine doing it, and then again when you actually do it in real life. Begin with the end in mindĬovey says that when you take an action, you actually do it twice. Instead of blaming the world for your problems, or letting the actions of others, or even bad weather, dictate your mood, you can be a more effective person by focusing on the things that you can actually do something about (your Circle of Influence) and not concern yourself with things you can’t change or influence. In this chapter, Covey says that many people are reactive (they allow external circumstances to dictate their behaviour), instead of proactive (taking responsibility for their decisions and behaviour). What on earth do these mean? Read on to find out.

This then informs your behaviours and how you react to different situations. His book isn’t about giving you a set of rules or principles to follow, but about changing your character and how you see the world. The book has sold more than 25million copies worldwide since its publication, and may owe its success to that fact that Covey tried to help readers adopt a set of timeless and universal values to aid them in creating habits that can be applied to any situation.
Stephen covey quadrants how to#
Want to know the secrets to success? This iconic 1989 self-help book by Stephen R Covey, shows you how to become a more effective person, not only in business but in the rest of your life, by changing how you see the world and better understanding your own definition of success.